I know it's been a while (ok, a REALLY LONG TIME) since I last posted, but I have good reason for being MIA from the keyboard. Here's what's been up.
1. I got a job!! I'm working as an administrative assistant at a law firm on Park Avenue. wooo!
2. I found an apartment! I'm a Brooklyn girl now (check out my favorite BK site, brooklynvegan). Also, that's me in my new kitchen (sans furniture).
3. David moved in with me.
So, as you can see, things have been a liiiiitle crazy in my life these days, but life is calming down again after the holidays... and the holiday cookies... and I'm looking forward to starting the new year off by writing again.
I can't claim to have lost a lot of weight, but I can tell you what I've FOUND that works to at least help: city living. I know it sounds a little silly or like it might not apply to my suburban sistas (I know, I know, ubercheese), but it does! I've found walking a few extra blocks to the next metro stop or taking the stairs instead of the escalator really does help with the neverending quest for a smaller dress size.
Alright friends, that's my 2 for the day. I WILL write again soon.
1. I got a job!! I'm working as an administrative assistant at a law firm on Park Avenue. wooo!
2. I found an apartment! I'm a Brooklyn girl now (check out my favorite BK site, brooklynvegan). Also, that's me in my new kitchen (sans furniture).
3. David moved in with me.
So, as you can see, things have been a liiiiitle crazy in my life these days, but life is calming down again after the holidays... and the holiday cookies... and I'm looking forward to starting the new year off by writing again.
I can't claim to have lost a lot of weight, but I can tell you what I've FOUND that works to at least help: city living. I know it sounds a little silly or like it might not apply to my suburban sistas (I know, I know, ubercheese), but it does! I've found walking a few extra blocks to the next metro stop or taking the stairs instead of the escalator really does help with the neverending quest for a smaller dress size.
Alright friends, that's my 2 for the day. I WILL write again soon.